8085 Microprocessor |
8086 Microprocessor |
8 bit microprocessor. | 16 bit microprocessor. |
16 bit Address Bus. | 20 bit Address Bus. |
It can access upto 2^16 = 64 Kb of memory. | It can access upto 2^20 = 1 Mb of memory. |
8 bit Data Bus. | 16 bit Data Bus. |
It doesn’t have an Instruction Queue. | It has an Instruction Queue. |
Clock speed of 8085 microprocessor is 3 MHz. | Clock speed can vary between 5, 8 and 10 MHz for three different 8086 microprocessors. |
It does not have memory segmentation. | It has memory segmentation. |
It does not support pipelining. | It support pipeline. |
It supports only integer and decimal. | It supports only integer, decimal and ASCII arithmetic. |
Cost of 8085 is low. | Cost of 8086 is High. |
It operates on clock cycle with 50% duty cycle. | It operates on clock cycle with 33% duty cycle. |
Less number of transistors (6500). | More number of transistors (29000). |
It is Accumulator Based processor. | It is General purpose register based processor. |
It has 5 Flags (Sign Flag, Zero Flag, Auxiliary Carry Flag, Parity Flag, Carry Flag). | It has 9 Flags (Overflow Flag, Direction Flag, Interrupt Flag, Trap Flag, Sign Flag, Zero Flag, Auxiliary Carry Flag, Parity Flag, Carry Flag). |
Supports only single operating mode. | It operates in two modes. |
Requires less external hardware | Requires more external hardware |
8 bit Data bus can access 2^8 = 256 I/O’s | 16 bit Data bus can access 2^16 = 65,536 I/O’s. |
only 1 processor is used. | More than one processor is used. |