Prim’s Algorithm |
Kruskal’s Algorithm |
It begins with a Node. | It begins with an edge. |
It starts to build the MST Set from any of the Nodes. | It starts to build the MST Set from minimum weighted vertex in the graph. |
Run Faster in dense graphs. | Run faster in sparse graphs. |
The graph must be a connected graph. | It works on the connected and disconnected graph. |
Traverse the one node several times to get the minimum distance. | Traverse the edge only once. |
Time Complexity is O(E*V logV) with binary heap and O(E+V logV) with the Fibonacci heap. | Time Complexity is O(E logV) |
Binary or Fibonacci Heap, Adjencacy Matrix are used. | Disjoint Set is used. |
The next node included must be connected with the node we traverse. | The next edge includes may or may not be connected but should not form a cycle. |
Doesn’t check cycle is formed or not. | The check cycle is formed or not. If formed then discard the nodes. |
very helpful 👍